By May 30, 2014 Uncategorized 15 Comments

One of my favorite segments on Jimmy Fallon’s Late Night comedy show is his Friday night “Thank You” notes.  If you are not familiar with the skit, here is a clip from the “Best of Late Night” episode:

This one made me laugh:

With today being the last day of school in my district, I thought it would be fun to send out a few thank you notes of my own.

If you need the music to put you in the mood you can loop the video below.

Thank you, Battelle For Kids Against Teachers Roster  Verification Vilification Process, for making the A-F grading system appear somehow less asinine in comparison.

Thank you, Superintendent Janet Barresi, for bringing Star Trek attire back into fashion.

Thank you, Third Grade Retention Law, for turning what should be a school year of discovery and adventure into months of stressful test prep and more worksheets.

Thank you, Oklahoma Legislature, for making Oklahoma #1 in something!

Thank you, Governor Fallin, for the quarter percentage point income tax cut. The huge influx of money back to the pockets of taxpayers will undoubtedly stimulate sales at Dollar General stores across Oklahoma.

Thank you, Michelle Obama, for replacing wacky cake in our school cafeterias. . .

. . . with stuff kids love to eat much more.

Thank you, Oklahoma College and Career Readiness Assessments Portal, for giving us the acronym OCCRAP!

Thank you, CTB/McGraw-Hill, for your exemplary efforts to prevent another testing SNAFU this year. Nice work.  Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Thank you, Okra OCCRA, for serving as the official vegetable of the Oklahoma State Testing Program.

Thank you, Arne Duncan, for helping us understand why millions of Americans are opposed to your beloved Common Core State Standards (CCSS):

Hmmm. And we thought it was because they violate federal law:

The Federal Department of Education shall not be involved in developing, supervising or controlling instructional materials or curriculum…of any educational institution, school or school system.”

—The Department of Education Organizational Act, Section 103b (1979)

and because they are contrary to the well-established and internationally recognized process for setting standards in a way that is transparent, that recognizes the expertise of those who must implement them, that builds on the consensus of concerned parties, and that permits appeal and revision. But what do we know?

Thank you, June 24th, for being a day with almost no historical significance, but with HUGE future significance. June 24th —Please hurry up!!


Thank you, Alice Cooper, for your creepiness and for making this awesome rock anthem to enjoy on the last day of school every year!

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