Let’s Sink the RS Breezy!
By miller727@icloud.com June 19, 2014 Uncategorized 4 Comments
Like many of you, I have grown quite weary of this seemingly unending cruise upon the Reformer Ship (RS) Janet Breezy. After watching the debate tonight, I might even be a little seasick!
On nearly every measure, Barresi’s administration of the state department has been a journey of epic failure, with titanic errors littering the landscape of Oklahoma public education.
My colleague at okeducationtruths has done an exemplary job over the past few weeks detailing twenty strong reasons why Oklahoma needs to change course. It is imperative that we begin the process of getting our ship in order and electing another “captain” to take the helm at the State Department of Education.
The “God Mother” of Oklahoma bloggers, Claudia Swisher, has also churned out several outstanding blogs in the past few days. In Claudia’s words:
Unlike dystopian societies in literature, we have the power to change, to reject the Superindentist and her overlord. We created this landscape by our own neglect, and we can change it.
All it takes is a vote. . . my vote. Your vote. Your neighbor’s vote. Your family’s vote. Your Sunday School class’s votes. Each of us doing our part.
Some other great articles were posted this week from a growing number of involved and informed Oklahoma bloggers. I encourage you to read them all, then share with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, email, or if necessary, print them off and give them a copy!
Brett Dickerson: http://brettdickerson.wordpress.com/
Seth Meier: http://excellenceinmediocrity.wordpress.com/
Scott Haselwood: http://haselwoodmath.wordpress.com/
Jenni White: http://restoreoklahomapubliceducation.blogspot.com/
Jason James: http://jasonthecurriculumguy.blogspot.com/
The Lost Ogle: HERE
I apologize if I have missed anyone who has posted a recent blog about the upcoming election. If you know of others, feel free to share other links for us in the comments.
It is also fantastic that so many of you have hit the Twittersphere to help educate potential voters and remind everyone why this election is so important.
As Claudia cautioned, we forget we are sometimes “preaching to the choir.” We cannot outspend Janet Barresi. If Joy is to win on Tuesday, it will because of a grassroots effort that creates a tsunami that washes Barresi right off the ship. It is important that we each take the time to call, email, put up signs, and walk our streets to encourage our friends, family members, and neighbors to vote.
I will be voting tomorrow then hitting the road Saturday for a week in Florida with my family. My Ipad goes where I go so I will definitely be tuned in for the final push. I am hoping to do a little dance on the beach Tuesday night!
Friends, we can do this! We must do this! We will do this!
To close out the Titanic theme for this blog, my friend James Scott has provided a few cartoons for your viewing enJOYment!